Who Am I? (Stream of consciousness)

Stream of consciousness. Ha.

My mind is a continuously flowing stream

Of consciousness – I am ever aware

Always aware of what others will think

What others will say

About me.

Do they like me? But it’s not really the right question

Because I feel like I’m never really the real me

So the ‘me’ they may or may not like is just some…


Not me.

Who am I?

The One within me is the I Am that I Am

But who am I?

I am made in His image; beautifully and wonderfully

But who am I?

The question that’s always on my mind

But no one can answer, except me.

I feel like I’m always counting something or analysing something or trying to decide something

If a microphone was connected to my thoughts the fuse would blow from overwork

Why do I worry so much?

Why do I worry so much when I can pray?

Why do I worry so much when I can cast all my burdens upon His shoulders?

So who am I?

He lives in me

who am I?


He lives in me, yes

He loves me, He died for me, rose for me, cleansed all my sins for me

I am made new because of Him.

So who am I?

I am His Glory – Death could not hold Him down, the power of sin is forever broken

I am His Love – He paid the ultimate sacrifice and loves me with no condition

I am His Mercy – He gave His life even for those that condemned Him and did not deserve Him

I am His Joy – In His presence there is joy abundant, I am happy because He lives

I am His Presence  – Jesus Christ dwells in me, I am His temple, He is forever with me and will never forsake me.

I am His Voice – Speak through me O Lord, let your Words flow out of my heart and my mouth. Let me sing praises unto You. Let me worship You with all that I have and all that I am. I want to adore You from the depths of my heart so that people will see Your amazing Love radiate from my being. May my actions reflect You and my thoughts exalt You and my life proclaim that Thou. Art. Holy.

I feel that my words, no matter how much I try, how much I write, will never be able to sufficiently describe my thoughts toward You. So I ask that You speak through me.

I cannot replace You in my life O God.

Writing 101 Day 1: Today, take twenty minutes to free write. And don’t think about what you’ll write. Just write.

4 thoughts on “Who Am I? (Stream of consciousness)

  1. This is beautiful. I am not where I should be with Him. I’m slacking….more than I’d like to admit. This really hit me. Thank you. Absolutely beautiful.

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